We offer complex services in machine vision and camera systems, supplying components made by the world’s leading manufacturers.
Thanks to our unique know-how and experience, our experts can design tailor-made solutions.
Our services and solutions have been successful for more than 10 years. We develop our own machine vision tools, but also supply camera components made by all the world’s leading manufacturers. We provide tests and feasibility studies, camera loans and solutions consulting. As part of our complex services, we provide our clients with information about the functioning of computer vision and image processing.
We develop and deliver comprehensive camera systems for visual inspection and machine vision. Increase the speed and efficiency of your product control.
Send us samples for testing. Based on the results, we will suggest the parameters and specific components of the camera assembly.
We offer unique components for machine vision, measurement and testing developed by ATEsystem.
Learn the principles of computer vision and image processing. Courses, seminars and workshops on the topic of machine vision.
Basler AG rozšiřuje svou nabídku řádkových kamer a představuje nové Basler racer 2 L ve verzi monochromatické s rozhraním CXP-12. Díky moderním senzorům Gpixel přichází tato řada s rozlišením 8k nebo 16k a frekvencemi až 200 kHz. Tyto dva modely jsou jen začátkem nové éry řádkových kamer u firmy Basler.
Basler ace 2 V rozšiřuje portfolio známé řady kamer ace 2 o jednokanálové kamery s rozhraním CoaXPress 2.0 v malém provedení o rozměrech 29 mm x 29 mm. Nové modely jsou vybaveny sedmi senzory ze série Sony Pregius S, a pokrývají tak široký rozsah rozlišení od 5 MP do 24 MP se snímkovací frekvencí až 212 fps, to vše umožňuje výkonné rozhraní CoaXPress 2.0 s propustností pásma 12,5 Gbps.
Kamera blaze-112 Time-of-Flight představuje další inovaci od firmy Basler v oblasti 3D zobrazovací technologie. Poskytuje přesné 3D snímky v reálném čase díky technologii DepthSense™ od společnosti Sony a integrovanému zpracování výškové mapy. Nově umí zobrazit široké zorné pole (108°×77°).
ATEsystem designs and builds systems for visual inspection and machine vision, distributes cutting-edge cameras and components from world-class manufacturers.
We deliver our products and services to most areas of industrial production, transport, agriculture, food industry, research institutes and laboratories. We provide above standard technical support and consultancy in solving issues related to the design and implementation of comprehensive image analysis projects.
We respect the wishes and needs of our customers and strive to achieve maximum satisfaction and to build long-term partnerships.
Need help? We will find a custom solution for you.